April 3, 2024 Webinar
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST
Register here.

After much anticipation, on March 6, 2024, the US Securities and Exchange Commission voted to adopt final rules that require reporting by public companies of climate change-related disclosure. While the final rules differ from the SEC’s controversial proposed rules in significant ways

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has adopted new rules that require public companies to disclose substantial information about the material impacts of climate-related risks on their business, financial condition, and governance (the “Final Rules”).  The SEC says that “climate-related risks, their impacts, and a public company’s response to those risks can significantly affect

The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted (in a 3-2 vote) final rules requiring disclosures about the material impacts of climate-related risks on their business, financial condition, and governance.

These rules had first been proposed in March 2022.  The SEC adopted the final rules after considering, over a two-year period, some 4,500 unique comment letters from

Directors & Boards has published Larry Cunningham’s thought leadership piece on how the ESG movement has fizzled and what hurdles it might face over the next three months to three years.

Over the past few years, the ESG movement gained a broad following across corporate America, with a proliferation of related management and investment strategies

Climate disclosure regulations are among the most significant and complex challenges faced by companies and boards, with a variety of requirements emanating this past year from numerous governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations. This white paper offers a thumbnail sketch of key features and differences of a dozen authorities, followed by considerations for boards concerning disclosure

In the past three years, the ESG movement attracted a broad following across corporate America, with a proliferation of related management and investment strategies to advance environmental, social and governance priorities. But in the past three months, the ESG movement has risked stalling, amid scrutiny revealing the insincerity of vocal proponents, declining levels of both

The age-old debate over the purpose of for-profit corporations has reignited, with two rival theories on offer: shareholder primacy and stakeholder parity. The first posits that the primary purpose of corporations is to maximize shareholder value, while the second urges the equal interests of all other constituents, especially employees, customers, and communities. Read more on